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Let's talk financing 

The real estate market has undergone significant changes in the last few years. Prices have been fluctuating, interest rates have gone down and up, and the availability of homes for sale has varied from region to region. With the economy still recovering, many buyers' questions are: will the interest rates go up again? 
At this time, it is hard to predict the future of the housing market with any certainty. However, what we can tell you is that now may be the best time for those who are interested in buying a home—or refinancing their current mortgage—to take action and seek advice. Lower fixed-interest rates make borrowing money more affordable now, so if buying or refinancing a home is on the table, the time is right to discuss your options. With the real estate market always in flux, now more than ever, you need a trusted advisor to help you navigate the changing landscape. Now is the time to start preparing for what comes next in the real estate market—and if you're ready to buy or refinance a home, contact us for our list of trusted financing advisors.
We asked Jacob Renshaw from Mission 35 Mortgages, for his take on the financial climate: “While it's true none of us have a crystal ball to see exactly where the market is going, we can see one thing with absolute clarity and certainty. Your own numbers! Now more than ever it is crucial that you get pre-approved for a purchase or refinance with a mortgage expert. We will help build the perfect strategy for you and equip you with the knowledge and confidence to execute and achieve your goals. With uncertainty still looming in the markets impacting rates, this leaves some amazing opportunities out there for people who have taken these important first steps and have a strong team behind them. It's never a bad time to prepare a plan!”
Before you hit the boutiques, you know your credit card balance; similarly, wise house hunters arm themselves with knowledge of their financial situation before making an offer. We understand that navigating the ever-changing real estate market can be overwhelming, so we're here to help. If you have any questions or need advice, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we would be happy to put you in touch with a mortgage specialist to ensure buying or refinancing a home is as smooth as possible!
Thanks for reading, and we hope the information helps your home-buying journey.